Dr. Rasouli Leads Seminar with CAALA for Attorney Education
Dr. Alexandre Rasouli hosted a two hour demonstration for the benefit of local attorneys, to better educate the general public on the complicated process that spinal surgery can be for his patients.
This video highlights the preparatory steps that Dr. Rasouli and his team committed to before the surgery – including an in-depth analysis of the patient’s condition, as well as the building of specialized equipment needed to perform the surgery, among additional details – footage of the surgery in action, as well as questions and commentary between Dr. Rasouli and a panel of attorneys and medical staff.
Dr. Rasouli believes that in understanding a complex or comprehensive process, a treatment – whether medical or legal – yields the best results for both patients and clients alike. Dr. Rasouli invites moments where this sort of interaction, an exchange of education across sectors, can become a teachable moment for everyone and the best support for his patients.
Oftentimes, it becomes necessary to understand a patient’s condition both before and after an incident or event when addressing the court. Using a two-level Anterior Cervical Disc Replacement surgery as an example, Dr. Rasouli partnered with the CAALA (Consumer Attorney Association of Los Angeles) this past spring, and provided some helpful information to attorneys representing clients under similar circumstances.
This seminar was meant to help local attorneys understand surgical procedures and the outcomes so they can better service their clients. With 180 attorneys in attendance both in person and virtually, this program covered the ins and outs of an artificial disc replacement surgery, the implications for the patient, and how lawyers can use this knowledge to assist in personal injury cases.
Depending on the details of the injury and the needs of the client, Dr. Rasouli will sometimes offer to work closely with other surgeons and CAALA on a lien, in order to provide the best possible outcome for their clients who become his entrusted patients.
Dr. Alexandre Rasouli is a board-certified spinal surgeon who specializes in the surgical and non-surgical management of cervical, thoracic and lumbar disorders of the spine, degenerative disorders, spinal trauma, adult and pediatric deformity, spinal oncology, and minimally invasive surgery. A Stanford honors graduate with extensive training in neurosurgical and orthopedic surgery techniques, he was the first to describe the genetic response of spinal cord tissue to traumatic injury. His research focuses on developing a cure for paralysis and his leading clinical trials for advanced surgical techniques attract patients from around the world. With new advancements in technology, there are now many non-invasive surgical options available for a wide array of conditions. RasouliSpine remains committed to providing quality care and that, in part, includes informing patients and clients alike of a few rapid recovery procedures that are performed in our office every day. Learn more about these options on our website and determine which procedure may be most fitting for your client’s condition. Many of our procedures are minimally invasive, outpatient (same-day surgery) methods of treating the spine post-accident or even to address a failed disc with a biomechanical disc. RasouliSpine is committed to preserving motion and bringing normal daily life back within the grasp of our patients.